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Spring Into Action: Fun and Creative Activities to Enjoy with Your Child

Spring is an excellent time to engage preschoolers in engaging and educational activities that explore the season's beauty and life. And this week there is a bunch of fun holidays for you to celebrate together!

April 23rd is Picnic Day

Everyone loves picnics! What would your little one take on a picnic and where would you go? Can you pack a lunch and picnic outside, or make a tent inside under a table and picnic


Planning, Imagination and fun to go!!

Watch and sing along Teddy bear’s Picnic

and then...Have your own teddy bear’s picnic = what kind of food do you think teddy will like?

  • Gather up all your stuffed animals for a picnic and games

  • Guess the teddy – close your eyes and guess which teddy is handed to you

  • Play catch with teddy – he will love to fly through the air

  • Take your teddy on a hike with your mommy or daddy and introduce him to your favourite places.

April 29th is Eeyore’s Birthday!

Did you know that Eeyore lost his tail?

Watch this movie and see how Winnie the Pooh helps Eeyore – because that is what friends do!

Eeyore is Winnie the Pooh’s best friend and his character is a great way to reinforce empathy.

  • After you watch the video, try discussing how Eeyore felt when he lost his tail and how Winnie the Pooh felt when he was able to help…

  • Thinking through how characters feel and behave helps our little ones to explore their own feelings an important step in developing getting along with others, developing friendships and being able to express their feelings.

Use a pie plate to make your very own Winnie the Pooh!

April 30th – time to put the month of April to bed!

Let’s have fun doing just that! Before you go to bed, why not try singing some bedtime songs together?

Our favourite bedtime songs

Brush your teeth song with Raffi – counting and rhymes

Mortimer by Robert Muhsch

Going to Bed by Sandra Boynton


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HIPPY Halton creates opportunities for vulnerable families to thrive.


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