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Hands-On Learning to nurture creativity!

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

It is the doing part of being creative that is so important for child development from an early age. 

Craft activities develop creativity and problem solving skills – How will you make that piece of paper fit or stick to the page? How long must you make that piece of string?

Summer is a great time to be outdoors and there are lots of ways to be creative in your garden or on your balcony!

  • Invite your children to help out in the garden!

  • Plant seeds in pots that your child can decorate.

  • Plan what you can do with your produce or your flowers.

  • Compare the rate of growth of different plants and guess what is making the difference.

This is the perfect time to encourage divergent thinking, where children offer new solutions and connections without being tethered by need to be right or possible.

Support your child's creativity today, and you'll be setting the scene for future creative growth.


Need more ideas?

Test your engineering skills:

1) Build a bridge and test its strength <- Click here to find the instructions
2) Construct ramps and test and race balls down them <- Click here to play the game!

3) Found Material Masterpeices

Collect bits and scraps – fabric, wool, string, paper, stamps, stickers, toilet rolls, cotton balls, crayons, markers, leaves, sticks, glue – create masterpieces together.

4) Shape Garlands
  • Hunt for shapes to find different sized objects with shapes you can draw around.

  • Sort the shapes into piles of circles, rectangles, squares and triangles.

  • Sort them into sizes from smallest to biggest.

  • Thread or attach shapes onto a string and watch them dance in the breeze!

  • Experiment with finger paint, and sidewalk chalk and discuss how to display them!

Thank you, Nature Store, for showing us how to make Shape Garlands!



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HIPPY Halton creates opportunities for vulnerable families to thrive.


461 North Service Rd. W. Unit B9, Oakville, ON

L6M 2R4

Charitable #: 837847813 RR0001

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