Fall brings new opportunities for learning!
As we go through our busy days, there can always be time for playing and learning. This week we are looking at songs you can share with your kids and sing throughout your day.
Long before they are ready to sit down and read a book, you can help your little ones build literacy skills by singing to them. It's easy, entertaining, and they'll love it!
As kids recall what happens next in the song, they are developing their memory and sequencing skills. Plus, they expand their vocabulary, which makes it much easier to predict words when reading.
Make sing-alongs part of your daily routines, develop their skills and have fun together!
C is for Cookie
(you can sing B is for Bagel, or D is for Daddy – your choices are endless)
Nursery rhymes like Baa baa black sheep with a twist!
Hickory Dickory Dock
Row, row your boat,
This is the way we wash our hands
Last thing at night – Twinkle twinkle little star.
Lots more songs and rhymes here: